Referring to a dictionary, something that is fireproof cannot be damaged by fire. It means no gun safe can be 100% fireproof. Nevertheless, there is a set of things a future safe owner needs to consider while choosing one with such characteristics. As well as there are several ways to make a gun safe fireproof. Wondering how its done? Keep reading.

Fire rating
There are two main ways to certify that a gun safe is fireproof. A few manufacturers execute testing themselves, this approach is called "factory certified." The others have their products checked by independent laboratories like Underwriters and Intertek Laboratories. According to common classification, there are 30 min., 45 min., 60 min., 90 min., and 120 min. series gun safes. Let me explain what it means. For instance, for a safe with a rating of 90 minutes at 1,680°, the requirement is to keep the inner temperature 350° at 90 min being exposed to a 1,680° fire. By the way, an ordinary home fire has an approximate temperature of 1,200 ° F and is extinguished in 20 minutes. It suggests that 30 min. fire resistance might be enough for a gun safe kept at home.
Fireproof Safe Insulation Types
Except for fire rating, fireproof gun safes differ by the insulation type. The market offers the three most popular approaches to reinforce the fire protection of gun storage devices.
Gypsum board, also called drywall, is from ¼ to ⅝ inches thick. It is inserted between two sheets of metal. Gypsum board includes hydrates releasing in case the gun safe is heated by fire and allowing keeping the content cool.
A composite material sandwich is put between two layers of steel. The material has characteristics very close to concrete but weighs less. Composite material works as an insulator, preventing heat from penetrating inside a gun safe.
Ceramic Wool Insulation looks like a blanket that is put between the walls of the safe. It allows keeping guns cooler when the outside temperature is very high.
Location and Design
The design of a safe can also affect fire resistance. A Palusol™ door seal, able to expand its size when the heat reaches high temperatures, preventing the safe contents from being exposed to heat and smoke. Gun safe placement is another important consideration to protect guns from fire. A good idea is not to put your gun storage in, under, or next to the kitchen. It is also advisable to install a vault on a concrete or slab floor to prevent fire from spreading quickly.
A fireproof gun safe has a lot of pluses. And the main one is your absolute confidence that your firearms will not get damaged by fire, and weapons will not explode in case of a home fire. Therefore, a fireproof gun safe is definitely worth the investment. By following our tips, you may choose a safe that will meet your demands for the money you are ready to spend. However, if you are still not confident of how to choose a proper fireproof gun safe, contact The Safe Keeper`s professional team in Las Vegas. They will be glad to provide you with all the necessary assistance.