Returns will be accepted within 10 days of product delivery date. Returned product must be in its original packaging and in the same condition it was delivered. All the hardware, accessories, documentation and warranties must be present. The return must be authorized first by The Safe Keeper. Upon authorization of return, The Safe Keeper will provide customer with return instructions and details. A return will not be accepted unless it has been authorized by The Safe Keeper first. A refund will re-applied to the original credit card and will equal to the amount of the product not including the shipping cost paid by The Safe Keeper to the freight company. Return shipment is the responsibility of the customer. Item must be shipped back to our facility using the same or similar reliable freight company. Customer must provide The Safe Keeper with the name of the Freight company and the tracking number for the return. The Safe Keeper will not be responsible for lost or damaged returns. Returned goods will be inspected by The Safe Keeper staff to ensure the returned item meets the return standards listed above. In the event the item does not meet all the criteria and cannot be resold as new, the item will not qualify for a full refund. Unauthorized returns will be returned to customer via freight collect. “Custom Orders” - and items with custom options will not may not be returned, as they are built specific to one's needs and cannot be resold.
If you wish to cancel your order please contact us as soon as possible. If your order has not yet been placed with the factory, we will cancel the order and provide a refund. If the order has already been placed with the factory and the production has already begun, your order will not be canceled.